Position: Full sun, just make sure the pot is not getting too hot during the summer months. A hardy species, but still some protection from extreme frost is a good practice for potted specimens with delicate root system.
Watering: Water abundantly and frequently during the whole year. It can withstand very soggy soil for prolonged period, though a well drained soil is preferrable.
Feeding: It is a very vigourous species, so high nitrogen fertilisation should be limited to spring for mature specimen to avoid excessive growth and internode length.
Repotting: Repot in late winter to early spring, relatively frequently as roots are fast growing and can rapidly fill the pot and obstruct water drainage. Roots can be pruned quite aggressively despite it being a conifer.
Soil Ph: Slightly acidic soil, above 5. Avoid alkaline soil (above 7)
Pruning: Prune twice during the growing season. Structural, heavy pruning can be performed in spring: you’ll get new buds at the cut and back on the branch/trunk. More refined pruning of twigs and new growth should be performed in mid summer when the leaves start turning reddish/brown, rebalancing strength and reshaping tha canopy and pads.
Wiring: Wiring green twigs is almost impossible as they are extremely brittle. Wait for spring to bend young flexible branches (previous year’s growth) with wire or use guy wires for older branches/trunk.
Pests and Disease: Very resistant to most diseases, root aphids or root mealybugs can sometimes be found in bonsai pots.